
Improve your mood, sleep, and focus

Experience well-being and satisfaction

Effectively manage stress

Would you like to establish a solid foundation for creating these changes in your life?


Many of my clients tell me they want to do this, but life gets in the way. They get up in a bad mood, something else feels more pressing. You know many of the skills you need to create change in your life, but maintaining a consistent practice is tricky.


What if you could...

  • learn to be more intentional?

  • create the “pause” that allows you to make these changes?

  • see situations from different perspectives?

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s capacity to continually grow and evolve in response to life experiences.


Through the development of greater self-awareness, we have the ability to develop new neural pathways that move us in the direction of these changes. We are able to diminish the strength of the pathways that hold us captive to old undesirable behaviors. It’s the difference between living life on “automatic pilot” and living it new each day.

The strategies and skills of Reboot begin to create the framework that leads to greater self- awareness. You practice skills to develop a deep sense of relaxation and calm. Develop skills that allow you to hit the pause button when experiencing a difficult situation so you have the space to respond differently. Become more aware of your thoughts and begin to focus on what will make you feel better rather than ruminating on something that was upsetting. Begin to see the connection between your thoughts, your emotions, your mood, and your behavior.

We meet for a fifteen-minute phone call for a two-week period, Monday to Friday, focusing on;

  • Belly breathing, which creates the relaxation response

  • Starting the day intentionally

  • Elevating your mood using positive memories

  • Comprehensively understanding the practice of mindfulness

  • Practicing the basic steps of meditation 

By meeting consistently for a two-week period, you begin to establish a rhythm, a pattern, the beginnings of a habit. Regular practice helps to develop muscle memory and the ability to drop into the zone when you need it. You can email me with any questions during and after the program and can always sign up for a refresher as needed.

Typically, sessions run four times a year but please check the calendar as the dates may change. Reboot is $75 per two-week session. Upon registration, you’ll receive a toll-free number, instructions, and handouts.