Are you ready for change in your life?

Change challenges us to let go of the familiar to transition toward the new.  To move in that direction, we need to tolerate the discomfort and uncertainty of the journey. We need clarity to chart our course and inspiration and satisfaction to sustain us for the long haul.

I believe it’s essential to experience satisfaction along the journey. Without it, we are usually unable to go the distance and fall short of our desired end point. My work is grounded in mindfulness which enables us to find that satisfaction, as it orients us to being more present to the many small positive experiences in our lives, that we often tend to miss.

For over twenty years I have worked with my clients as a change agent. As you identify aspects of your life that are no longer working effectively, we create the space for new ideas, new perspectives, new

emotions, new energy.

As a counselor and coach,

I draw upon proven skills and strategies to assist you in more clearly hearing your own voice, tapping into what resonates within you as you create your new path. Regardless of the modality you choose, my role is to provide you with a non-judgmental environment that allows you to gain greater self-understanding and self-awareness of your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. I navigate the journey with you, keeping your desires in sight, as you continue to find and take the next step.

As a speaker,

I provide presentations on mindfulness, stress reduction, and the relationship that exists between them. The benefits of integrating the concepts of mindfulness and stress management within your organization are vast. Providing accessibility to these skills on a company wide basis often results in improved communication, greater productivity, job satisfaction, employee retention, and an overall more positive work environment.

As a consultant,

I work with you to identify your organization’s particular needs and tailor my presentations to address these areas.

As a meditation instructor,

I have seen my clients gain greater control of their thoughts, being more able to choose where to put their attention, rather than being held captive to “automatic pilot” responses.

Reboot offers daily meditation/mindfulness instruction for a two- or four-week period, with the ability to access support as needed.

  • "Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive".

    -Howard Thurman

  • "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom".

    – Viktor E. Frankl